Standard strollers offer 'the basics', but today those basics are as advanced as anything ever made. Practically indestructible, these models offer an enormous assortment of added features - exchangeable baby car seats, quick-collapse storage, interchangeable wheels, and so much more.
For those who love the outdoors, and want to share that experience with their little one as early as possible, there are a variety of all terrain and jogging strollers. With larger wheels, extra sun canopies and mosquito nets, and other features tailored to the active lifestyle, these models offer everything for the caregiver on the go.
For those blessed with multiple children - as parents or professional caregivers - double and tandem strollers make for a wise choice. Double strollers seat two and can be side by side or one behind the other, as in a tandem. Tandem strollers run the gamut from accommodating two to three, four, or even six children in a single unit.
For a stellar combination of the traditional and the contemporary, parents will want to consider a pram baby stroller or perambulator to give them their full name. Technically a stroller in bassinet style, modern models are so flexible they can change to a seat model with a snap. Yet, many offer the same classic styling from the Victorian days that invented prams.
Some caregivers in the market for a stroller have special needs because the loved one they care for has them. Several special needs strollers and pushchairs serve that purpose with style and convenience.
Many times, parents will acquire a car seat before even purchasing a stroller. However, rather than invest more and have another item to transport, it is possible to combine the two into a single, seamless unit. Chassis strollers fill that niche. Designed for optimum, easy interoperability, these models are both convenient and beautiful.
Travel systems expand on that idea by offering a car seat and stroller combination where the same manufacturer designs both. Who knows better how to fit the two together, after all?
Naturally, few stroller models are sold with everything a parent might want, despite offering tons of features. Stroller accessories help flesh out those features and provide the extras that are unique to each family's circumstances and desires.
Parents today have many of the same challenges their grandparents faced. Luckily, they also have modern technology and generations of experience that will help them meet them. Nowhere is that more true than when it comes to strollers for babies.