It was not long before neighbors were asking Giuseppe to build strollers for them, and as the saying goes, the rest is history. In 1949, a new name in the baby travel accessories and strollers business was born in the form of the Peg Perego Company.
Nowadays, Peg Perego products are considered to be at the very height of superiority in baby strollers, bringing not only outstanding craftsmanship, but also giving the units an Italian design finesse that appeals to so many folks. The Perego baby stroller is considered to be one of the finest examples of functionality, yet they are also wrapped in stylish fabrics, creating a visual look that is pleasing to the eye while also being enormously practical at the same time.
To this day, skilled craftsmen, who give a great deal of attention to detail, carefully craft all Peg Perego baby strollers in Italy using only the highest quality of materials. The Perego baby strollers are distributed in Italy and throughout all of Europe and North America.
The Peg Perego company is able to boast of having one of the very few baby stroller models on the market that can be converted into a carriage with one easy step. The innovative stroller features a reversible handle that lets the baby either sit facing the parent for interaction and comforting when needed, or facing forward to take in all the interesting things in their surroundings.
This stand-out line of strollers also has a selection of bright and vibrant color schemes, which incorporate three different modern and fashionable colors, as opposed to only two colors that is common in other baby strollers. These lively color schemes help to add more winsomeness, panache and depth to the overall design and appearance of the little one's ride.
Peg Perego baby strollers also have spacious seats that are sumptuously padded and which incorporate an ingenious seat boot with a zipper that helps to keep the baby warm and cozy. In addition, there is a sturdy five-point harness integrated into the design, which allows the child to have a good amount of movement while assuring that they are also completely safe and well secured.